Hilary White, una lettrice battagliera

Per me è stata davvero una piacevole sorpresa essere contattato tramite e-mail da Hilary White, la battagliera corrispondente da Roma del prestigioso quotidiano statunitense “The Remnant”. Ai suoi amici ha detto che il mio blog è "pretty nice". ;-) Ecco alcuni stralci della sua prima e-mail:


First, I'm sorry not to be able to address you in Italian. I hope we can communicate nonetheless.

I have just come across your blog and hope that I can ask you a few questions about religious life and religious vocations, especially for women, in Italy.

Some years ago, I started writing a book about what I thought then was a small resurgence or revival in the religious life in North America. But after several months of research and writing, I was disappointed to see that my initial hope had been ill-founded. There was little going on that I had any hope would succeed in the long term. But due to the limitations of language, I was unable to do much investigation into the religious life in other countries.

Since then, the internet has exploded with 'blogs and personal websites of people who do this kind of research and I have begun to hope again that the grace brought to the world by faithful religious nuns and monks, praying and sacrificing, is not entirely lost. [...]

I wonder if you would like to continue talking to me about this. Again, I apologise for my lack of Italian, but I am only learning and I think I would create more confusion if I tried to use it with you.

I hope to be able to spend the next few years visiting good Monasteries and convents in Italy. In the end, perhaps I could again take up the idea of a book. So few people in the English speaking world know that there are any good convents left. Certainly they are very few in the US and Canada, and almost none at all in Britain.

Hope to hear from you,

Hilary White

Cara Hilary,
per me è una grande gioia poter essere di qualche utilità a coloro che mi contattano. Ciò vale sia per te che per tutti gli altri lettori. Inoltre le vostre e-mail mi aiutano a rendere più vivace il blog. Ovviamente non pubblico mai cose personali. Con te ho fatto un'eccezione pubblicando il tuo nome, visto che sei un personaggio pubblico con migliaia di lettori. Numerosi cattolici italiani hanno letto una tua intervista in cui hai descritto la difficile situazione liturgica e spirituale nel nostro Paese. Tutte le altre informazioni che mi hai chiesto te le ho inviate per e-mail. Se hai altre domande da farmi, sarò lieto di risponderti. Ti auguro una lunga e felice permanenza in Italia.


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